Be Part Of The Solution


Our operational goal is to prove the efficacy of human collaborations without the need for compromise or control.

We want to reinvent the way that companies use expertise by creating new collaboration methods that respect human rights and adhere to ethical standards.

We believe our collaboration framework will change the way corporations are managed, putting the rights to lifelong learning and earning into the hands of workers.

We are documenting everything we do to be published and to influence others to change the corporate game of manipulation of people.


What We Are Doing

Objective: We are implementing best-practice in all we do, to become ISO audited and certified. We are doing this to achieve global recognition and prove that sustainability and ethical best-practice is the only way that businesses will truly lead their market in the future.


What We Want From You

We know our model works. It has already enabled us to achieve the unimaginable for us and our collaborators.

We want you to apply our wisdom to expand yours because together we can learn more, and do more for ourselves and our communities.


Support Our Payment Terms and You Support Social Impact

In order for Purposeful Innovators CIC to offer opportunities to those out of work, furloughed or experiencing financial hardship, we request full payment of projects at the time of booking.

This enables us to focus our efforts on delivering the highest quality of products, services, programs, innovations and material for all our clients, collaborators, beneficiaries, sponsors and partners instead of chasing payments and negotiating payment terms that diffuses our efforts away from making the greatest social impact that matters to everyone.

Our Campaigns Collectively Support All 17 UNSDGs

These goals formulate the scope and strategy for positive impact. 


  PI and SDGs logoUNSDGs