Weekly Project Update for 7 June 2021

Weekly Project Management Agenda

Next Meeting will be on Monday 14 June at 7.00am UK/10.00am UAE. Join Zoom Meeting.

Meeting ID: 608 756 2286 Passcode: Hello



1. Download agenda template

2. The IMBEA from the Learning Revolution format for the agenda and minutes.

  • Define Intention
  • Derive Meaning
  • Determine Benefits
  • Demonstrate Evidence
  • Do Action

3. Introducing ACT this week:

  • Amplification to external communities
  • Calibration of people on projects
  • Tenability of project to PI model


Weekly Project Update Notes 

YNC6MNT60015 Project Meeting Minutes 07062021


Agenda Topic 1: Meeting Overview, Welcome and Intros

Attendees This Week: Wendy Shaw, Rania Laing, Murtaza Balasinourwala, Zeinab Hussain, Yolanda Cantin, Rebecca Ellis, Mohamed Eid.

We will continue to follow the new format. This week we shall cover ACT acronym for taking action then introduce each other. The featured project this week is Igniting Sparks.

View Slides 

Next week we plan to feature International Green Council vertical as our feature project and record the opening presentation as well as the feature segment.


Agenda Topic 2: PNG444PNG PI Head Office Management

  • Several meetings were held between Board Members to better define external communications and internal role requirements.
  • Ahead of individual campaign launches, the media need to begin to understand the principles of PI and our mission. With BI commencing her secondment, handover of activities was done to AK. RL also commenced handover to CG.
  • Access to software and meetings to support knowledge transfer were done with WS and CG now having access to Active Campaign and AK now having access to Wrike.
  • Actions required for more formal procedures to be set up for people and project management.

    Agenda Topic 3: PNG111NGC International Green Council

    1) Where are we now

    • The Board met to define 5 level strategy for next phase of development. This was summarised as 5. "For Our World"  4. Strategic delivery of immersive and personal experiences and stories.  3. Operating through the application of the PI framework as a robust project implementation system.  2. Strong communications by identifying then activating levers and links that create impactful content to specified segments.  1. Resources include associations; access for revenue; our knowledge in PI; evidence; case studies; contacts and network; company partners; and data.
    • The acronym WORLD was identified as We (collaboration, everyone is a conservationist); O immerse as One (personal story-telling); Robust framework; Levers and links; Data point (resources).

    2) What do we want 

    • We agreed to work to deliver through regular meetings held weekly for anyone who can attend, note-taking for those absence, and open discussions to develop relationships.

      3) Next steps for how to get involved

      • Next week the team will process the 5 strategies into the learning revolution (IMBEA) to define actions (ACT).

      Agenda Topic 4: PNG111BFH Brands For Humanity

      1) Where are we now

      • RL and RH met to discuss how to present projects to corporates for support. It was agreed that their interest is in the resulting Sustainability Report of impact delivered. 

      2) What do we want 

      • An online directory that enables organisations and businesses to identify where they wish to make their impact and select the projects that can deliver them by SDG.
      3) Next steps for how to get involved
      • RL and MS still to meet to discuss the corporate application of humanity strategies.


        Agenda Topic 5: PNG111RFH Research for Humanity

        1) Where are we now

        • RL, AK and CG met Darryl and Marine from Freestyle Divers to discuss involving children in research into marine conservation. They already focus on projects and are aligned with the PI principles.
        2) What do we want 
        • Collaboration to support local organisations in delivering their impact and start creating links to teach and support projects and activate outreach programmes on PI projects.

        3) Next steps for how to get involved

        • Awaiting AK and RL to create meetings with Platinum Heritage and local schools to form a strategy that can be used to create positive impact.
        • Continue discussions with Freestyle Divers to define common strategy and focus on where to start working together.


        Agenda Topic 6: PNG111LSF Legacy

        1) Where are we now

        • RL, AK and SG met and defined the project plan for Igniting Sparks, the education curriculum that would be delivered as a project under the Legacy vertical.
        • In a separate opportunity RL has identified and commenced the set-up of the Revolutioner Business Club to support the development of start up businesses. This activity has been approved by One Space Business Centre and includes offering space to develop collaborations and receive support.

        2) What do we want 

        • We want to support all segments of the community with education and mentoring for development and enable communities to become self sufficient.

        3) Next steps for how to get involved

        • Rania Laing still to connect with each attendee on LinkedIn and arrange follow up meetings on Zoom.
        • Igniting Sparks project and team to be set up as RE, WS, LD, SG and JG.
        • Revolutioner Business Club project confirmed and team to be set up.


        Agenda Topic 7: YNC111WNG Wealth Angels

        1) Where are we now
        • Finalising process for wider PI project integration as well as the brochure for short term go-to-market plan.

        2) What do we want 

        • Integration into Igniting Sparks curriculum and develop a seamless system to transpose content to any project.
        • Well presented precise and efficient content which delivers first class learning to all end users.

        3) Next steps for how to get involved

        • WNG to be presented within the wider education framework.
        • Finalise communications material RL and CG.
        • Manual completion by 10.06 LD and RE.
        • Seamless activities embedded program by 15.06 LD and RE.

              Agenda Topic 8: PNG111TRF Arts for Humanity

              1) Where are we now

              • RL and CMc to commence weekly AFH meetings starting Wed 9 June 2021 where they will using ballet technique and class to unpack the value of Arts and Culture on society.
              • RL and ET are also conducting investigations on transferring energy from music to visual and vice versa.

              2) What do we want 

              • We want to understand the intangible value of creativity in order to learn the importance on community.

              3) Next steps for how to get involved

              • Contact Rania Laing to get involved in creative energy transfer research opportunities.

                Agenda Topic 9: PNG111SFH Sports for Humanity - no change.

                1) Where are we now

                • We have plenty of ideas on how to get Sports to be better represented everywhere in communities.
                2) What do we want 
                • We want to form a Steering Committee to develop this project further.

                3) Next steps for how to get involved

                • Contact Brenda Ingram to join the team that will meet on a regular basis.



                Agenda Topic 10: PNG111SRX Sustainable Resources

                1) Where are we now

                • Rise to Feed Campaign has been approved by Dubai Cares and Environment Agency.
                • Development research for sustainable materials required Terraloop suggested as collaborator to be approached.
                2) What do we want 
                • CG has started on the Rise to Feed microsite to support launch and development.

                3) Next steps for how to get involved

                • Revenue plan to be detailed by Thriving Roots committee.


                Agenda Topic 11: PNG111SPX Sustainable People

                1) Where are we now

                • Clear communications, model guidelines and information required to support the development of the collaborators and help them understand the PI Impact Model and usage as a common model.
                2) What do we want 
                • Training material roadmap and onboarding information.

                3) Next steps for how to get involved

                • Wendy Shaw to work on programmes and methods to support education. Wendy and Rania to continue weekly one to ones.


                Agenda Topic 12: TRN222PNG Thriving Roots (Part of PNG111SCX Sustainable Economies)

                1) Where are we now

                • Thriving Roots will now incorporate the Igniting Sparks curriculum and collaborations underway for marine conservation and with other organisations through SG.

                2) What do we want 

                  • Clear communications on verticals and interactions between projets with linkages and dependencies identified.

                  3) Next steps for how to get involved

                  • Help with developing Fact Sheets is required for all three tiers.
                  • Help visualising project structure required.


                  Agenda Topic 13: YNC222XPX Expo (S16 Experiential Reporting ) 

                  1) Where are we now

                  • BI will commence secondment on 7 June 2021. 

                  2) What do we want 

                  • We want to be able to track 'live' learnings in the easiest way and share in a common place that allows exporting to be reviewed with clients and stakeholders.

                  3) Next steps for how to get involved

                  • Contact Brenda Ingram Rania Laing or Ahsan Khan for info on Wrike system.


                  Agenda Topic 14: Igniting Sparks (Project Code TBC)

                  1) Where are we now

                  • AK, SG and RL met and defined 5 level initial strategy as: 5. Igniting Sparks.  4. Involvement with interns, students, young mums. Mentorship and engagement to inspire changing mindsets.  3. Experiential, inside communities, indigenous, neuro aligned.  2. Enrichment curriculum, targeting community segments with clear communications.  1. Partnerships, technology, local community.
                  • IMBEA defined as: I - Preparing communities for tomorrow. M - Helping youth help themselves. B - Self-sufficiency, independence, growth, educational, opportunities. E - Economic growth, local business growth, growth mentality and reflected in communications.  A - ACT! Committee formed of Rebecca Ellis (Amplifier); Saasha Gulamani (Amplifier); Wendy Shaw (Calibrator); Jennifer Green (Calibrator) and Ahsan Khan (Tenabler).

                  2) What do we want 

                  • We want to roll-out the ideal enrichment curriculum into centres all over the world delivering world-class standard education into the more vulnerable of communities.

                  3) Next steps for how to get involved

                  • Contact Rebecca Ellis and Wendy Shaw.