New World Lessons On Change: Response-Ability

You have been misled all this time. You’ve been told that change is something that happens outside of you that needs to be managed, controlled and used, strategically. From advice on how frequently you should change your water filter to how often you should update your website. You have been conditioned to thinking that you need to schedule change at time-allocated points in your calendar. Like anniversaries and birthdays, you change once a year to become a year older miraculously at certain intervals will have changed to become a new social demographic.

As a side note, the social generational cohorts, typically used globally for marketing, were created to understand post-war generations in Western countries of Western Europe, the Americas and Australasia, while used globally, the relevance of this type of grouping is more likely to create bias and limit opportunities rather than facilitate successful strategies.

No wonder the modern world is defined as chaotic. You need to redefine the meaning of change and your role in dealing with change, if you are to find your place in your world.

Response-ability breaks responsibility down to the roots and meaning of the word. It describes the action of being able to respond or reply to the given situation.

Response-ability breaks responsibility down to the roots and meaning of the word. It describes the action of being able to respond or reply to the given situation.

Change is happening to you right now, your nails and hair grow and your bodily processes are being performed non-consciously. You are aging, not in sudden leaps of years, but every continuous millisecond of every day.

Change is happening everywhere all the time. It isn’t chaotic, it’s just that you have never noticed it consciously enough to respond to it. Your mind isn’t tuned in to gradual change so you only notice it when it becomes obvious and takes you by surprise. Like a family who visit once a year and exclaim how much your kids have grown or point out all the differences you have already forgotten about in your home. Imagine if they tried to control these differences, putting things back and trying to put back the intellectual development of your children in order to relate to them. When you point out that they have grown naturally from all angles - mentally, socially and emotionally - your family disapprove and accuse you of being too difficult and irrational.

Until you accept that change is a continuous, organic process that happens everywhere, all the time to everyone, you will never be able to develop the responsiveness required to grow with the flow of differences.

Your entire physical body is totally renewed, gradually, over a seven year period. 

Humans never stop growing and developing. You continue to grow past your maximum height. You continue to develop new neural pathways, new thoughts, behaviours and emotional reactions. Your entire physical body is totally renewed, gradually, over a seven year period. Practicing observing change is like acknowledging when you need to cut your nails or get a haircut. Resisting change is like getting angry that you need to shave, again!

Developing this mindfulness towards your internal and external observations will, over time change, and become second nature. 

You can start developing a positive perspective on the changing world around you by practicing response-ability. Like being aware of your physical grooming needs, start to observe and appreciate the differences that are happening all the time. Once noticed, you can choose when and how you can adjust. Developing this mindfulness towards your internal and external observations will, over time change, and become second nature. As it does, so will your response-ability to detecting new opportunities and ways that you can choose to improve your work and other aspects of your life.

Change your definition of change and you will change your need to manage it. Redefine what change means to you and you will find it easy to flow with the differences. You will be able to make the modifications and adjustments, and as you do, you will be able to climatise yourself to the positive aspects as they occur inside and outside of you.


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