The Power5 Impact Model is aligned to the brain-based approach and works on creating new connections on the five levels of neural pathways that dictate perspective and comprehension. The session experience transforms results by designing thinking at all levels to deliver level 5 Purposeful Impact. Goals, strategies and actions are created at the top level and then at each of the five levels to bring complete alignment, depth and breadth of insight and positive resources into the process.

Using creative techniques to create and transfer these insights from the conscious to the non-conscious mind, the programme is a catalyst to hard wire newly generated thinking patterns to quickly achieve new impactful results.
The self-assessment wheel used in Power5 Coaching provides a dipstick measure of both the goal’s long term impact and sustainability as well as an illustration of your position in relationship to achieving your Level 5 goal. The criteria used defines the level of impact and sustainability of the result. Each criterion represents patterns of decision-making and behaviours contributing to how you are creating and experiencing your current reality.
When used in a structured programme of six sessions, all sessions follow a similar structure of goal definition for each level, creation of new strategies and action. The final session mirrors the first and reflects the accumulative shifts that have taken place throughout the programme.
Precision thinking is critical for the optimum mental performance required by a senior executive or business owner. Just as no athlete can perform without a personal coach, no high performing leader can reach their potential without generative thinking delivered here through coaching. Precision thinking leads to precision action, which becomes an efficiency method that generates results in all areas of the leader’s personal and professional performance while conserving energy and minimising stress.
Aligned to latest neuroscience and research, the programme is designed to target the mental patterns that will make the biggest impact in the most sustainable way. As with all professional coaching, the client leads with their agenda and goal, the structure serves to provide a vehicle to effectively deliver transformational impact with accuracy, direction and energy.
Improved clarity, motivation, focus and inspiration ensures the increased success of any commercial project or business venture. In addition, positive emotions like confidence, contentment, patience, kindness and faith are gained, strengthening personal resourcefulness. The combination of perspective and traits enable healthy, positive change to occur at the deepest neural levels.
The resulting changes deliver the vision and purpose through sustainably persistent performance for a long term positive impact. Delivered over just six hourly sessions of one-to-one coaching, the program can be completed in as little as three weeks or as long as six weeks. Principles can also be used in group-directed delivery to remove company-wide resistance to new ideas and strategies and align teams to the company’s big vision.
For crisis management and drastic change requirements, the methods can be incorporated into Board meetings and conferences, improving strategic effectiveness ahead of the top-level discussions and business planning processes.