Organisation Type: An International Logistics Company
Using the criteria to represent behavioural competences, the hierarchy indicates areas where value creation is encouraged and where value is eroded according the employee behaviour and company culture. The values of an organisation can then be audited with gaps and opportunities identified for area where profit can be improved.
- The organisation has 42 value competences across 19 levels.
- The top three focus competences are Collaboration, Reliability and Justice. This is primarily an inherited culture and these have been the most valued aspects, communicated unofficially and unsupported by training and development.
- The biggest risk to the business is not focusing on nor considering Worth. A review of exit interview feedback will shed light on how much of a risk this is and has been with regards to talent. Ideally, a competence profile (based on criteria) of the talent exiting the business is required to evaluate lost commercial potential.
- The business is not adequately weighted overall to deliver the behaviours that will be externally valued and paid for by customers. Weighting towards internal processes overall will pull back the efforts of all those whose roles attempt to increase commercial value.
- Current Potential Marketable Value based on current emphasis is 11,228. Should the 19 levels remain the same and the competences be adjusted to be an equal spread across internal and external dynamics, the Potential Marketable Value will increase to 27,879. More than double the current Potential Marketable Value. However, this will be eroded due to Worth not being represented at all.